Wednesday, 2 September 2009


I thought that along the way I'm likely to pick up all sorts of ideas, inspiration and thoughts from fellow students and experts through websites, blogs and books. This 'wisdom-money' (a term we use with our kids to encourage them to value the skill of 'listening'. If they don't listen they are throwing away 'wisdom-money') will be collected here under the heading 'cafe creative crumbs'.

The first of these comes from 'GillyinKent' (flickr name), a fellow OCA student. She highlighted the video below of a photographer, Vincent Versace who was discussing his own thoughts on the creative process. I'll be honest and admit I didn't see the video through to the end. But having watched around 10 minutes of the video over a week ago I'm finding I'm mulling over several thoughts:

i. the risk of xeroxing and copying what has come before us. We are inspired by other people's work of course, but don't try to replicate it. Put your own mark on it.
ii. the risk of 'trying to be different' when infact we are all unique so we shouldn't be endeavouring to be different, but exploring ourselves.
iii. don't take a photo, be taken by the photo, i.e. don't look to take a photo, but instead, be inspired by what you see enough to take a photo.

The links are below. IMHO his portraits have the greatest impact and I like the extreme composition on some of his landscapes.

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