All three images are very similar yet subtley different. The first and second are very similar at first glance, but looking closely the focus point is on different posts. The chart below highlights where the focus point on each image is. The lens I used required very small manual changes to the focal ring making it really difficult to demonstrate different areas of focus before the whole picture went out of focus.
The third image should be the image that offers the most. More of the image is in focus. You can finally place the railings and see the environment in which they are placed. There is more to look at and in this image the railings are no longer the focal point. They are still a major part of the image but in my mind they are now competing with the surrounding environment. The railings are now an irritant in that they are an obstruction on the rest of the view and surrounding enviroment.
Before carrying out this course, I had a relatively good understanding of the effect on changing the aperture and use of shallow depth of field. However, I am surprised by having worked through this exercise how so many different stories can be told by evidently the same scene. By the very simple change of focus can change the entire emphasis of the image. Definitely worthwhile doing!!
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