Monday, 5 November 2012

Online Portfolio

So, my portfolio and occasional blog posts can now be found at This blog is hibernating for the winter. Ta, ta for now.


  1. To see that you make appealing photographs is not surprising. To see that you create a nice web site well balanced and well built is not a surprise. I knew also that you are very active organizing things, which is a proof of energy and commitment......but i read in your site...THREE children !!!!!! For God sake, how do you do it ????!!!! Seriously, I have only two and I can't cope. I have to steal time for my photography here and there, and I am not able to do half of the half of what you actually do.

    obviously i am a lost case. ;)

    Congratulations for your looks great!!!

  2. Well done you! The site is good—and I admire your strength, putting yourself out there!

  3. Thanks Leo, very kind of you, but probably not unlike yourself, it is pockets of time that you snatch when you can...I am lucky I don't work and with my three now at school, if I'm organised and in the right mindset I can find time during the day...and I'm sure there is a saying along the lines 'if you want something done, ask a busy person'. For me, this is true, if I start the day lazy, even getting dressed seems too much effort!! The reverse is also true too.

    Thanks Vicki, the site is functional and simple and does what it says on the tin, so I'm happy with that. I deliberated for sometime which work to put online...particularly as it is the first time I've not hidden behind the pseudonym of marmalade so I do lose a level of anonymity I've fought for in the past. However, if I just put the 'safe' work up and omitted to include the work most personal to me, it is only a partial picture and as art is a form of self-expression, it is self defeating too. So I have decided to take the plunge and see how it feels. So it's done...

  4. Love the new pictures Penny - really interesting work.

    I also think your new site works very well. I need to have a website and want something simple and minimal - yours is great.

  5. Hi Eileen, good to hear from you. With regards the website, I looked at quite a few portfolio template providers such as clikpic, shutterstock amongst others, but decided to go with squarespace. After a good few weeks of trying to direct domain names etc which was painful for a non web savvy type like me, I am pleased with the result. You also have a lot of flexibility to make changes and once you get the hang of it, it isn't difficult...would certainly recommend looking at their templates when you go down that route.

  6. Some great stuff on here Penny - especially love the shot through the tunnel in 'Me'. The site really works. I used clikpic for my wildlife work as it seemed simple to set up and has an increasing number of options appearing for those that can be bothered to tinker, which is not me very often!
