Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Not Our Time

My assignment one, 'A day in the life...' book entitled 'Not Our Time', that was submitted as part of my assessment for the Social Documentary course, has been featured on the weareoca blog.  Many thanks OCA, and thanks Maggy and Clive too for the kind words.

I've embedded it below.

I've embedded the book too, hopefully successfully this time.


  1. Congrats Penny! Watched the interview yesterday and was well impressed Both with the subject matter and the sensitive and personal way in which you dealt with it; and with the presentation. Just watched it again; and the subject matter, the way you have dealt with it; and the assessors sensitive reaction to it, gave me a little throat-lump.

    Is there any chance we can have a closer look at the book? I looked it up on blurb yesterday, but I don't think you have made it public.

    Chatted to Clive yesterday—don't you just love the fact that he thinks it is the best piece of work produced by an OCA student. You must be sooooo chuffed.

    Anyway, what I said to Clive was that in the videos done by Jose on assessment, he showed books which were 'photo albums'. Thought it would be inspiring and helpful for other students (me included) if we could have a closer look. Sometimes being shown what is good, is so much better than being shown what is not so good.

    Anyway, once again, congratulations! He should have given you more!!

    Take care

  2. Hi Vicki, thank you for your lovely comments...yes, I was fact I kept rewinding that bit to be absolutely sure I heard Clive correctly, lol!! Very kind of him to say that...I must admit it felt quite peculiar having my work discussed. You lose sight of any objectivity with an assignment so personal in nature. And it is some time since I put this book together so I too found the views of Maggie and Clive really interesting and warming. My Nana has since died and I feel reassured that I didn't let her down.

    Vicki, I have embedded the blurb book here, I failed to do it properly last time. Try this. If not, try this link...

    I hope this helps, thanks again Vicki.


  3. It is great to see the book in whole here Penny. Just wanted to say again how much I liked the work. I am sorry that your Nana has died but glad at least that you have this wonderful momento - you didn't let her down in any way in this.

  4. Thank you Eileen, always appreciate your thoughtful comments.

  5. Hi Penny

    Thanks for embedding the book. It was so much nicer to be able to read the text; and control my view of the page.

    As with Eileen above, I am sorry for your loss; and happy that you managed to record this time together.

    Take care

  6. This is wonderful. It really highlights the importance of caring about what you photograph if you expect a successful result. Losing sight of the 'objectivity' was what makes it so good. You certainly didn't let your Nana down.

  7. It's a wonderful book Penny - loving, insightful and moving, with images that capture just what you intended. I'm so pleased to have been able to see it on Blurb as well (was itching to get closer to it on the OCA video!).
    I'm sorry that your Nan died. The book is a lovely tribute to her.


  8. Thank you Catherine, Nigel and Vicki for your supportive comments. I'm glad you've been able to view the book ok.
